Friday, 29 June 2018

Greenham Common - Reflect the Base


Keeping good on the promise of opening up a new round of demonstrations and actions following the deployment of Cruise missiles, 50,000 women descended upon Greenham Common in the first week of December to take part in a 'Reflect the Base' protest. Encircling the entire base, the women held mirrors up to the police and soldiers behind the fence to reflect their images back to them.

As a peaceful protest it was another inspired idea that also created the space and the opportunity for the slightly more militant to pull down whole sections of the fence. Hundreds of arrests were made and many fingers broken by soldiers lashing out at hands with metal bars but no-one was shot, subsequently making a perfect mockery of Heseltine's idle threats.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Icons Of Filth - Used, Abused, Unamused


And then from the Corpus Christi label came Used, Abused, Unamused, a 4-track 7” EP by Icons Of Filth. Based in Cardiff, Wales, they had first started out as friends just following Crass around the country on their tours whereupon they had encountered fellow Crass fans Conflict and Omega Tribe. Inspired by Crass, they had formed themselves into an Anarcho Punk band whose first cassette-only release entitled Not On Her Majesty's Service was put out by Conflict's very own fledgling label, Mortarhate. Following healthy sales of the tape, Corpus Christi offered to release their début single.

Over taut, frenetic and wired hardcore Punk Rock played at breakneck speed, hoarse-voiced lead singer Stig delivered impassioned observations on the system, religion, indoctrination and war. Tried and tested Anarcho Punk subjects one and all but in the hands of Stig, a clearly intelligent thoughtfulness was being applied to each: “Fear is the maintainer of this living death called system... Voting concedes incapability to run your own life. Well, how would you know if you ain't ever tried? Used, abused, unamused? Yeah, every day... God is a measure of our insecurity. We want life after death. We're so afraid that we may be alone, and the responsibility of past, present and future lies with us alone... People always die, we all die in the end and as sure as this is to be expected, we see war as natural.

In addition to the obvious thought behind the lyrics, what was of particular interest about the record was the artwork adorning the Crass-style fold-out sleeve. Drawn by one Squealing Niallee Wheelee, the style and subject matter was reminiscent of Nick Blinco's; being very detailed pen and ink drawings of skeletal figures and human skulls though it was distinctive enough in its own right that it would be an influence upon and be emulated by other Punk artists for years to come.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Amebix - No Sanctuary


From the Spiderleg label came a 7 track, 12” EP by Amebix entitled No Sanctuary, that in a way was far more suited to the general mood of the time due to it being very dark and bleak. With this record Amebix were finally discovering and revealing their own unique sound and in hindsight were actually on their way to creating a whole new musical genre, combining Punk and Heavy Metal to create Crust – a slow but very powerful and heavy form of Punk Rock plumbing sub-Black Sabbath areas of gloom, outrage and horror.

Like a tortured and distorted Discharge on bad drugs, Amebix were emitting an almighty howl of rage from the innermost core of their beings; racked with pain and sick with the state of the world: “And in our ignorance we let them take control, and in their wisdom they decreed that we should bow. When we put our lives into their hands, we put our hands into their chains,” from the track Control, and “They lead you to your slaughter like they lead a horse to water. They can't force you to drink – but you do,” from the track Progress.
Not that Amebix were without humour, however, as shown in such lines as “Roses are red, sometimes violets are blue but we're always puking on cider and glue,” from the track Sunshine Ward. Interestingly, their sense of humour was reminiscent of Disorder's as in “Vomiting green- haired Punks standing on the dole. No money, no clothes, no place left to go,” from Today's World on the Complete Disorder EP. This made sense, however, due to Amebix and Disorder sharing the same squats (and the same drugs) in Bristol.
Disorder were by this time well on their way to being an influence upon squat Punk bands throughout the world whilst Amebix's time was still to come though their influence would eventually turn out to be far greater.

Naked - One Step Forward Towards Reality


The arrival of Cruise missiles cast a shadow over everything that month, even the release of Anarcho Punk records from some of the best record labels in the land. From the Bluurg label came a 7” EP by Naked called One Step Forward Towards Reality. Naked had first appeared on Bullshit Detector 2 with an Omega Tribe-type Pop Punk song called Mid 1930s Pre-War Germany, that in its own right was another classic of its time, echoing Dancing by Zounds but far more upbeat. On hearing it, a lot of people wanted to know what else Naked had in their repertoire but when it came to their début release on Bluurg, though very melodic it was something of a disappointment due entirely to the poor lyrics.